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Hearthstone Players!

08 Dec 2017 15:52 #258820 by Space Ghost
Replied by Space Ghost on topic Hearthstone Players!
I am playing against almost solely hunter decks -- it is a huge pain in the ass, especially as non-zoo Warlock.
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08 Dec 2017 18:40 #258841 by Space Ghost
Replied by Space Ghost on topic Hearthstone Players!
I put The Darkness in to combat Highlander Priest -- seems to work ok. I actually killed a Mage and a Warrior with it. Still getting stifled at around 18-17 by the barage of Hunters.

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08 Dec 2017 19:09 #258843 by jeb
Replied by jeb on topic Hearthstone Players!

Space Ghost wrote: I put The Darkness in to combat Highlander Priest -- seems to work ok. I actually killed a Mage and a Warrior with it. Still getting stifled at around 18-17 by the barrage of Hunters.

We've been waiting for so long! It's so great to greet travelers. Jackwraith tried out his Totem Shamn deck on me and it is so ... SO BAD. It looks bad on the screen. Just.. you have to play with trash and sometimes a win falls out. It just seems terrible. He won! He did, I lost. But man, I feel like I won because I was playing with good cards.

Shaman's Dungeon Run is going to be tough. Good luck out there. The starting deck--yeesh. Murloc Tidecaller? Yikes.

I got my Dungeon Run crown with Hunter. Turns out +1/+1 minions is solid.

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08 Dec 2017 21:38 #258846 by Jackwraith
Replied by Jackwraith on topic Hearthstone Players!
It truly is brutal. It's like getting beaten by a newb with Razorfen Hunter and War Golem.

The funny thing about both the Dude deck and the Totem deck is that they're based around doing something that you often don't want to do. Unless you have one of the truly strategic powers like Mage or Rogue, it usually means that you don't have any good cards to play, which is a loss of tempo, which is often a loss, period. The difference with the Dude deck is that there are enough decent cards based around it that you can make something passable. Most of the totem cards for Shaman still suck ass. The only constant good card has been Thing from Below. I remember laughing when Jeb had an opportunity to kill something with a Blood Razor and he killed a Fire Fly, rather than the totem right next to it. I was like: "Dude! You have to respeck tha totems!" And it was even a Wrath of Air totem. I mean, turn 5, what can I do? "Uh, totem. Mana Tide. Go." That's what this deck is. You just keep churning out crap and suddenly it coalesces into something.

But turn 8 is the masterpiece. Totem, Hermit, Coin, Windcaller-! AL'AKIR!! Who then can't even get through the Cyclopean Horror he got off a Stonehill. Too funny. He Brawled me TWICE! And I still refilled the board with crap almost instantly.
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08 Dec 2017 22:35 #258847 by Jackwraith
Replied by Jackwraith on topic Hearthstone Players!
For those dedicated Dungeon Runners, Hearthpwn is putting together guides to it. Here's one that list out all the possible card bundles you can accumulate, by class:

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10 Dec 2017 00:43 #258871 by Jackwraith
Replied by Jackwraith on topic Hearthstone Players!
Faced an interesting Awaken deck today using Twilight's Call, Mirage Caller, and Devilsaur Eggs. The idea is to Mirage the Eggs so that you end up with 1/1s that produce 5/5s and then Call back 1/1s and get more 5/5s, etc. Meanwhile, you're rapidly advancing toward the quest because all of these are summons. The problem is still the same as before: Other than the 8/8 which your opponent can use one card in any class to remove, you have no real threats and, even worse, with your deck so stuffed with 0/3 Eggs, that's the majority of what you'll return with N'Zoth. Meanwhile, you're often struggling to stay alive while your subpar minions run interference for you. I tried a version with Gilded Gargoyles, Dragon Soul, and Lyra, but didn't get anywhere with that, either. The additional problem with both Eggs and Soul is that, when it comes down to it, a vanilla 5/5 just isn't that threatening. Everyone learned how to deal with that when Quest Rogue was all the rage and no one plays that anymore, either.

So the Priest quest still sucks and may soon be dust so I can forge Val'anyr.

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11 Dec 2017 21:32 #258945 by jeb
Replied by jeb on topic Hearthstone Players!
I've been seeing some changes to the Minionless Hunter, namely, adding Minions. At the top ranks, it now runs Barnes + Y'Shaarj, dropping the (THANK YOU) To My Side! cards. You can't tell me the card's not bad. It just is. Even in a deck designed to exploit it, it's not worth playing. Maybe TMS will come back when Y'Shaarj and Barnes rotate in the spring, but I don't think Minionless is going to be something to be overly concerned about.

I am trying all kinds of things now. I am trying to enjoy my Warlock weapon, and it's nice. It poops out Demons, just like it says. I don't have the big 3/9 guy or Kruul or even DK Gul'Dan, so it's kind of bad, but I have fun around Rank 20. My ELO must be in the shitter though, because I am seeing some baaaaad decks and players. I need to smarten up to R15. I've been working on MalyRogue builds (not working), Recruit Druid (NOOOOT WORKING, WOW), Recruit Warrior (working!) and Deathrattle Rogue (probably working? It's weird).

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12 Dec 2017 01:16 #258949 by Jackwraith
Replied by Jackwraith on topic Hearthstone Players!
Haven't been playing much in the last couple days, but I've been largely unimpressed with the Recruit Druid decks that I've seen. I've beaten 2 or 3 of them with the Dude deck and that's not a matchup that you'd expect would favor me. They do a lot of nice tricks with the Grizzles and the Tigers and the hippin' and the hoppin', but then you reach the late game and they're all: "I'm paying 8 mana for a 3/5!" And you're all: "Yeah? I'm paying 8 mana for a legendary dragon or a taunt that's much bigger than yours or for 2 or 3 different minions and spells!" Yay? It just doesn't seem to do much and they're not ramping as fast as other Druid decks, which means they have trouble keeping up with Mages and Razakus.

I've settled on a Dragon Priest deck that I'd like to try. I think it might lack aggro resistance, since the early game is dominated by Cleric and Historian. But I do have 2 Potion of Madness for regular stuff and 2 Twilight Acolyte for anything that gets too huge, too early. Plus, as soon as I get to turn 4, I'm clearing the board. I'm testing out Unidentified Elixir. I'm not sold on it, but it's not a bad spell, as it beefs up my already fairly beefy dragons even more. Plus, 3 out of 4 results are quite positive.
Northshire Cleric x 2
Potion of Madness x 2
Power Word: Shield x 2
Netherspite Historian x 2
Shadow Visions x 2
Shadow Word: Pain
Shadow Word: Death
Twilight Acolyte x 2
Unidentified Elixir x 2
Duskbreaker x 2
Eater of Secrets
Twilight Drake x 2
Cobalt Scalebane x 2
Drakonid Operative x 2
Cabal Shadow Priest
Dragonfire Potion x 2
Primordial Drake

There's a lot of room to shift things in and out (i.e. the Primordial isn't essential, but it's good insurance against a lot of decks, plus activating my DiH cards.) I'm going with default Eater of Secrets because Mages and Hunters are everywhere and it's likely the only chance I'd have against Quest/Control Mage. Should be fun.
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12 Dec 2017 10:58 #258960 by jeb
Replied by jeb on topic Hearthstone Players!
I always feel like the meta is unhealthy when Eater of Secrets seems viable. It's like we're playing some game other than HEARTHSTONE. Less minions, more spells and guesswork bullshit.

Zetalot was trying to get the Priest Dragon Weapon working. His solution? 2x Radiant Elementals (maybe get one from Mirage Caller if needed), Shadow Visions into Shadow Visions to fill the board (only running 6 spells: PW:S, SV, and Dragonfire Potion). Just Shadow Visions into Visions is good even without the weapon, it makes Arcane Giant cheaper and could power Lyra or Priest of the Feast. He was 3-1 last I checked. Guy can make a lot of Dragons.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jackwraith

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12 Dec 2017 14:22 #258969 by rocketkiwi
Replied by rocketkiwi on topic Hearthstone Players!
After bashing my head against Dungeon Runs, I finally finished them all! The last was Priest, and I finally did it by making a Razakus deck with Shadowreaper Anduin. I'm sure King Togwaggle went right to to post his displeasure on the forums.
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12 Dec 2017 14:32 #258970 by Jackwraith
Replied by Jackwraith on topic Hearthstone Players!
Yeah. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with playing cautiously or having to consider what gets played in the face of enemy Secrets. But I do find myself thinking that the game feels a lot more annoying when having to deal with them regularly. Secrets tend to throw off tempo ("I'd like to do X, but that could be a Counterspell/Mirror Entity/Cat Trick/whatever. So I have to waste my Coin or play a 1/1 to test it.") I mean, the exchange is that they kind of broke tempo by taking turn 3 to play a Secret, so the bonus is that you now have to break tempo to play around it... but they already get a bonus when you have to inevitably play into it. I'm just predicting, based on two things: 1. Hunter decks are currently utterly reliant upon Secrets, both to respond to threats and to empower both the Bow and their spellstone. If you're playing a Hunter deck without Secrets, you're an idiot. 2. Control/Freeze/Quest Mage decks are also utterly reliant upon them to function because otherwise they'll be taking more damage than they can handle before Frost Mage Jaina arrives. Dragon Priest is still a minion deck, which means it will have less chance of getting through due to the array of Frost/Ice spells. Removing some of those (Barrier, Block) creates a much more viable path to victory for this deck. Other decks, like Razakus, do not care about your petty Secrets. It's upfront and honest about its dominance.

Firebat took went Radiants but also went Gilded Gargoyles:
Circle of Healing x 2
Holy Smite x 2
Pint-Size Potion x 2
Potion of Madness x 2
Power Word: Shield x 2
Psionic Probe x 2
Embrace the Shadow x 2
Mind Blast x 2
Radiant Elemental x 2
Shadow Visions x 2
Dragon Soul
Gilded Gargoyle x 2
Twilight's Call x 2
Shadow Word: Horror
Gadgetzan Auctioneer x 2
Prophet Velen

You Call to get the Gargs back and get more Coins so you can draw and spawn 5/5s. Seems very janky, but I've never played any kind of Miracle deck, as I was never much into Rogue, so I thought I might screw around with it. Plus, in the end, they're just vanilla 5/5s, right? It's like playing Quest Rogue, except not even as good. When's the last time you saw one of those outside a dungeon run?
The following user(s) said Thank You: jeb

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12 Dec 2017 15:32 #258976 by jeb
Replied by jeb on topic Hearthstone Players!
Dang, rocketwiki, good for you. I've got wins with Mage and Hunter (and Shaman on a kid's account). They are tough. I took down The Darkness today with Mage and felt good about that. I just played burn. Burn burn burn. I got the Quest package at one point, and this came in handy to draw into more burn to finish.
2x Robe of the Magi (so, +6 Spell Damage at the end there)
2x Shifting Scroll
1x Arcane Missiles (for 9!)
4x Babbling Book (heh)
1x Mana Wyrm
Lx Open the Waygate
Lx THE CANDLE (for 10 LUL)
1x Doomsayer
1x Frostbolt
3x Primordial Find Cheap Burn
1x Sorcerer's Apprentice
1x Unstable Portal
1x Earthen Ring Farseer
1x Forgotten Torch (for 12)
1x Ice Barrier
2x Mana Bind (MVP? They play some crazy spells in the endgame*)
Lx Orb of Destruction (Kill 2x Mana Crystals and they discard two cards)
2x Spellslinger
1x Volcanic Potion (for 8)
1x Chillwind Yeti
2x Fireball (for 12)
3x Cabalist's Handful of Burn
1x Blizzard

*The game against The Darkness came down to me getting two Ice Blocks from my rando nonsense and using Open the Waygate to deal ~30 over two turns and play around his Evasion Secret. He played Mind Control on a 2/3 Mana Wyrm (!) that I got a 0-cost copy of from Mana Bind. I used my 0-cost Mind Control to STEAL IT BACK (despite some 5/5s on offer), because with Open the Waygate and everything else, it would be a 7/3 by the end and deal more that way.

Dungeon Run is awesome. I am not always in the mood for the stress of dealing with someone else's idea of a good time in HS. The Run lets me goof around and have fun in a no-stakes environment.

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12 Dec 2017 16:27 #258981 by Jackwraith
Replied by Jackwraith on topic Hearthstone Players!
So, after beating Jade Druid with the Totem deck (Un. Stoppable.) to finish a quest, I figured I'd take the Dragon Priest out for a spin. First opponent was another Dragon Priest:

Opening hand is OK. I don't imagine he'll be swarming the board, making the Duskbreaker only "good" as compared to "game-breaking", but whatevs. The Historian hands me the OP I mulliganned, which I'm ready to keep now. I figure I'll Elixir her up and do some damage. He's starting really slow and just heals, but not past my Elixired Historian! I figure it's time to Coin into OP (i.e. I have no better plays) and realize "He's another Dragon Priest!" and "Ysera!" He OPs and I clear. It sets up Duskbreaker nicely for him, but I have a 4/8 that he can't do anything to, so I'm OK with it. I get the two-fer off SWP and hit him with the 4 he can't do anything to. He drops Bone Drake. I like Bone Drake, but have just never found room for it, probably because it dies to SWD and does the same thing Historian does while still living. It's not bad, especially because it's a dragon, unlike Historian. It's just never worked for me. Dunno. I clear with awesome topdecking skillz and hit him with the 4 he can't do anything to. He drops another Bone Drake. I'm all "OP into one of your SWDs" skillz and hit him with the 4 he can't- You get it. He drops the Ebon Dragonsmith he got off Bone Drake and concedes. That draw probably confirmed it just wasn't his day.

Next game was Armor Warrior:

I like these guys. They get to use ALL the new cards and still have a decent chance to win. 'Lo, it has come to pass that we no longer hesitate to drop first turn Cleric. If they want to drop the Coin on turn 2 to wipe her out, fine. But i'm not even sure Armor Warrior runs Fiery (notasmuch)Win Axe. I start the beatdown. He, thinking long-term, doles out a 6 damage hit on her. Now, you may question that, but I think he was conscious of removing bigger, somewhat more OP *cough* things, so he didn't want her nibbling away at him and making him have to spend mana to get in killing range on a later turn; in addition to the threat of me dropping a taunt and getting draws. Debatable. In the end, he does it, anyway, since I drop a 4/6 that he does something about. But then I have a 5/6 on the following turn and now he has no more Gauntlet. Hmmmm.

Execute is the automatic pick for one more method of clearance for some Taunt he puts down. Meanwhile, he plays his own Execute on the OP after dropping the Ghoul. Been a while since I've seen one of those. In proper turnabout, the Duskbreaker does the Ghoul one better (actually, two better) and I have another 3/5 on the board, ready to dole out the pain. (No Lifesteal this time.) He responds with a Shield Slam. Now he got the two-fer, although he had to Armor Up to do it. But he also used a Shield Slam, one of the best single-target removals that Warrior has. On a 3/5. Hmph. The only play I have is the Cobalt. If he has another Slam, I'm just tossing him away. Whattaya gonna do? And Elixir shows why I like it. Choice here is heal to get it out of Fishes range or keep pressure on with the Twilight. I opt for pressure because I'm like that. Plus, if he's going to dump a Fishes for one card, I'm fine with it. Plus, I prefer to get something out of the Cobalt's ability before it dies. He Executes, but Elixir returns it to my hand. (1 in 4 hidden bonus for dragon decks needing them in hand.)

I cycle through both Shadow Visions, looking for SWD, but only manage to turn my Twilight into a 9/10 with little brother. Regardless, the Golem is gone and he's used both Executes, so my 9/5 is staying, barring him using his face. He drops two more Golems and this is where I was shaking my head. Walked right into that DFP I've been holding the whole game. Then I Historian for, you know, Ysera. Because that's what always happens. Bone Drake? Ebon Dragonsmith. Historian? Ysera. Case closed. Top-decked Gorehowl minimizes the threat, but then it's Ysera time. She hands me Dream, which is perhaps the ideal card for this matchup. He drops the useless Eater so he has at least a 1 in 4 chance of winning the Brawl, but Little Brother comes out of the scrum. Dream is ideal for removing Taunts. It's also ideal for recasting 1/1 copies into 4/8 problems. Armorsmith is the best option from the OP who's going to die to Gorehowl.

And he's all: "Armorsmith? I'll show you Armorsmith!!" Topdecked DFP shows off the skillz again and then Potion of Madness does its horrible work. He takes 8 more to the face and Fishes a lone minion (fine with it) to get rid of the Twilight and then drops a Gemstone and must be thinking: "This time... This time..." Yeah. Execute. Such a good card. Two more Mithrils come down which, y'know, is a threat to my Primordial. So I play my first Acolyte, which means he can't get rid of it without taking 4-, uh, I mean 7 more to the face, which he decides to do because Warriors. They're daring, man. Plus he's got the Tower Shield. Back to 21 health, gets his first attack in on me. Time for the comeback. Except that's the, uh, other Ysera. Made a mistake here, as I forgot to look at Gorehowl's strength and left the Cobalt exposed when I should have cleared with the Acolyte. It didn't matter, since he was rolling the dice on Molten Blade and got a pretty good result, but he concedes before Elixir gets to shine again.

So, seems OK. My real concern is still aggro, so we'll have to see how it does there.
The following user(s) said Thank You: jeb, SebastianBludd

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12 Dec 2017 17:01 #258985 by SebastianBludd
Replied by SebastianBludd on topic Hearthstone Players!

Jackwraith wrote: So, seems OK. My real concern is still aggro, so we'll have to see how it does there.

All you have to do is do what my priest opponent did when I went up against a Dragon Priest whilst playing my Dude/Call To Arms/Level Up Paladin: play two activated Duskbreakers and three Dragonfire Potions. Easy peasy.

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12 Dec 2017 18:24 #258998 by Jackwraith
Replied by Jackwraith on topic Hearthstone Players!

SebastianBludd wrote:

Jackwraith wrote: So, seems OK. My real concern is still aggro, so we'll have to see how it does there.

All you have to do is do what my priest opponent did when I went up against a Dragon Priest whilst playing my Dude/Call To Arms/Level Up Paladin: play two activated Duskbreakers and three Dragonfire Potions. Easy peasy.

Problem solved! What list are you running, BTW? I haven't yet included Call to Arms in my Dude deck, which is an oversight on my part but I have yet to deviate from J4ckie's original recipe (Sounds like a pancake mix):
Lost in the Jungle x 2
Righteous Protector x 2
Drygulch Jailor x 2
Hydrologist x 2
Rallying Blade x 2
Steward of Darkshire x 2
Stonehill Defender x 2
Wickerflame Burnbristle
Consecration x 2
Lightfused Stegodon x 2
Level Up! x 2
Stand Against Darkness x 2
Crystal Lion x 2
Spikeridged Steed x 2
Sunkeeper Tarim
Tirion Fordring

The Lions and Stewards should probably be replaced by Call and Unidentified Maul or something. But then I should probably trade something else out for Squires, since at the moment I'd only be pulling Protectors, Jailors, and Hydrologists, the latter of which I'd really rather get the Battlecry from.

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