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× Painting Minis, Print & Play and Other Creative Type Stuff.

What Minis Are You Painting?

10 Sep 2017 20:13 - 10 Sep 2017 20:15 #254024 by Disgustipater
How do you guys clean mold lines from concave areas like this?

I've never been able to get them without hacking the shit out of the area.
Last edit: 10 Sep 2017 20:15 by Disgustipater.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax

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10 Sep 2017 20:26 #254025 by Sevej
Replied by Sevej on topic What Minis Are You Painting?
Use a file?
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10 Sep 2017 20:37 - 10 Sep 2017 20:47 #254026 by Disgustipater
What kind of file? I can't go long-ways with the line, as it's not really accessible with a file. At least not the files I use. Should I get a flat tipped file at go at it from the side (perpendicular)?
Last edit: 10 Sep 2017 20:47 by Disgustipater.

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10 Sep 2017 21:40 #254029 by Robert Facepalmer
You'll want a curved blade of some kind. Either a #15 scalpel or an Xacto #12 or #10. Like you said, you can't get in there with a long, flat blade or file.

You could get a curved riffler file, but that has a lot of potential to create an uneven surface.

I use these quite a bit. These are probably going to be eaiser to find. Michaels, Dick Blick, or the like should have them.
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10 Sep 2017 22:44 #254038 by Michael Barnes
Go to Hobby Lobby (yuck, I know) and get some Hobby Files. They have them in the model area. You get like 10 in a pack, they look like white sticks. They are fine on one side, medium on the other. They are flexible, so you can apply pressure evenly on a curved surface. Works much better than a knife or a mould line remover.
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10 Sep 2017 22:58 #254040 by metalface13
Imperial primer or abaddon black? I have some minis I started converting that were already primed black. I'm going to do a zenithal prime where I hit them with a dusting of gray and white on top of the black so I don't really want to hit these models with a second coat of black before the gray and white. I figured I would do a brush on primer, but then the guy at the game store said not to bother and just use black paint. I was just passing through Cleveland when I stopped in, so I don't know the guy and don't know if I trust his opinion.

What do you guys think? Should I just use some abaddon black I have to brush over the bare plastic bits or should I get some brush on primer?

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11 Sep 2017 00:16 #254041 by Sevej
Replied by Sevej on topic What Minis Are You Painting?
If you do your priming by brush, use Vallejo Polyurethane Surface Primer. Great stuff. Still not as strong as spray primer, but significantly stronger than acrylics. In my years painting I have read multiple times people swearing with acrylics or just spray paint, tried it, and they never satisfy me. Second coat of these stuff works fine since it self-levels/shrink.

Make sure you leave it for a day before continue. It dries quickly, but fully cures within a night or so.

A 200ml bottle lasts me a hundred space marine, 3 tanks, 1 helicopter, 2 gundams, Descent, Runewars and it's not empty yet.

I'd do black paint only if it's somewhere untouchable during normal handling.
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14 Sep 2017 08:46 - 14 Sep 2017 08:46 #254233 by Mr. White
Mil Muertes and I think the grey is a better contrast to the Bloodskin's red.

Last edit: 14 Sep 2017 08:46 by Mr. White.
The following user(s) said Thank You: metalface13, Gary Sax, hotseatgames, ufe20, barrowdown

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14 Sep 2017 10:13 #254242 by metalface13

Mr. White wrote: Mil Muertes and I think the grey is a better contrast to the Bloodskin's red.

Much better! I think it really ties him in more with the armored dudes.
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14 Sep 2017 13:58 #254251 by Da Bid Dabid
Looks fine, although I was not against the old scheme.

First weekend of Oct. I'm going to see Penta wrestle Fenix for the AAW strap. I really hope these last few episodes of LU are not the last they ever make.
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14 Sep 2017 16:48 #254258 by Mr. White
I've been catching up with LU on Netflix in the evenings while I paint.

I don't believe Netflix has season 3 yet, but I was hoping there would be more beyond. I'm not sure what the problem is, but I think I read something about wrestlers have to sign contracts that prevent them from working other promotions. That's fine in normal circumstances, but the nature of LU is that it films seasons like TV shows, so the crew work matches for a few weeks during taping then sit around idly for months while the season takes its time airing weekly.

Is that correct?

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14 Sep 2017 17:11 #254259 by Michael Barnes
Gray shaded like that reads as black. They look awesome man.

Painted a Leman Russ about 75 percent of the way today. Yes, I did the Cadian camo. It was actually really easy and fun to paint. And quick to get a tabletop level result too. No pictures yet...gotta get some more of these guys painted for a group shot.

Went ahead and started on one of the Chimeras too, just doing the drab on them to differentiate them from the battle tanks.

Started building the Valkyrie. That is an impressive kit. More advanced than other AM stuff. I'm going for broke and doing it with both door gunners because I want to see as many dudes as is possible and reasonable.

Pics of my Repulsor, Redemptor and some other Primaris stuff forthcoming...Blightwar showed up so there is that massive box to deal with...and Mortarion is coming next week. Goddamighty. This is why I needed to unload some stuff.

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15 Sep 2017 02:01 #254281 by Vlad
Replied by Vlad on topic What Minis Are You Painting?
also doing a camo on a sentinel. The model is great, basically an AT-ST walker with soots. Or goliath from Starcraft, which I prefer because I like to annoy people by informing that Goliath is operational, every time it has to move.
Camouflage is easier than I thought and improves on the look a lot. I'm doing a blue&grey, but following Duncan guidelines.

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15 Sep 2017 16:57 - 15 Sep 2017 16:57 #254318 by metalface13
I primed my blood bowl chaos renegades this week and then started painting one last night, but I'm not all that happy with the result.

You can see them all up close at

It does impress me how much priming them really pulls the conversions together and makes them feel like complete models.
Last edit: 15 Sep 2017 16:57 by metalface13.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Da Bid Dabid, Frohike, Vlad, GorillaGrody

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17 Sep 2017 00:43 #254348 by Vlad
Replied by Vlad on topic What Minis Are You Painting?
Games Workshop Painting App is up and shockingly (for GW), it is free.
I took a quick look and it seems like a must for a beginner painter, in particular if you're into figuring out the whole layer and highlight painting thing, but also quite useful for intermediate level. At the very least, I will not have to look up the chart anymore.
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